Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interesting facts about Animals

Wag Watchers post for 10 interesting facts about Animals -  Last 6 of 10

6: Quagga, the extincted animal

Quagga was an African animal and was related to current-time Zebra. It had stripes on its body but unlike Zebra the stripes were not spread over the whole body. Most of their stripes were on head and neck while there were no stripes on legs at all.

7: Pistol Shrimp, the smart hunter

Will you believe this amazing pistol shrimp makes louder noise than a supersonic jet engine. Pistol shrimp make this noise by snapping his claws which can easily stun its prey.

8: Stripes of Zebra

The color of Zebra is not black with white stripes but white with black stripes. Another amazing aspect of their stripes is that none of the Zebra in the world has stripes similar to other one.

9: Blue whale, the largest animal ever

Blue Whale is the largest and the heaviest known creature that have ever existed on the earth. A blue whale’s tongue weight as much as an elephant.

10: Darwin’s Bark Spider produces the toughest silk

Darwin’s Bark Spider is an amazing species of spider that produces the toughest silk. Its density can be four times greater than steel. Web created by them is the largest in the world ranging from 900–28,000 cm.

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