Saturday, February 9, 2013

Doggie Dental Care

We all know its important for us to take care of our teeth.  Most of us brush, floss, and go to the dentist at least somewhat regularly. But what are you doing for your dog’s dental health? Canine dental health is important and here are some tips.

First check your pooches mouth. Do the sniff test, bad breathe is normal but terrible breathe should be addressed with your vet. It could mean halitosis or infection. While in there look for swollen gums, sores and visible tooth decay. All of these issues affect your dogs health and should be taken care of by your vet.

Next, invest in a dog tooth brush. You should be brushing your dogs teeth at least weekly. This will help prevent gum disease,cavities, and other oral infections.

Finally, consult your vet for information on professional teeth cleanings, gum scrappings and other ways to prevent dental issues. Your dogs teeth affect it’s health. It is good for you and your pet to take care of these potential issues.

Make sure to show your dog how much you appreciate them by not sending them to a kennel. Leave your dog with one of our amazing pet hosts when you’re out of town! We promise he’ll have a vacation he’ll remember forever.

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