Monday, February 11, 2013

Interesting facts about Animals

Wag Watchers post for 10 interesting facts about Animals -  First 5 of 10

1. Basenji, the barkless dog

A dog can’t be a dog until it barks but there is still an amazing species of dog that can’t bark like
other dogs. Instead of barking, this African species of dog produce a yodel-like voice.

2. Swell Shark, the Barking Fish

You must have heard about the barking dogs but barking fish. Swell Shark is a species of fish that can bark like a dog.

3: A Newborn Kangaroo

Kangaroo, the national animal of Australia is one of the most amazing animals of Australian continent. A newborn Kangaroo can be about just 1 inch (size of a lima bean) in length.

4: Hummingbird can fly backwards

Hummingbird is not only the smallest bird in the world but the only one that can fly backwards. They also have the fastest wing beat and heart beat.

5: Wonders of Star Fish 

If you cut a star fish into several pieces, every piece will become a new star fish. A star fish can also change its gender according to its needs.

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