Friday, May 10, 2013

Flea & Tick Myths

You may have heard a lot of advice about fleas and ticks. But there are surprisingly many untruths or myths about them that are still circulating today.

MYTH: Fleas and ticks are a warm-weather problem
In certain areas, they're a year-round problem. Even in states with cold winters, fleas can survive in microclimates. These areas (under decks, in sheds or elsewhere) are warm enough to keep a population of fleas or ticks alive during the winter.

MYTH: Indoor pets don't need protection
Think your indoor puppy or cat is safe from fleas and ticks? Think again. These pests can hitch a ride indoors on other visitors, both human and animal.

MYTH: Fleas live best in carpeted spaces
Believe it or not, wood and tile floors can also harbor fleas. In fact, it may be harder to treat these areas as flea larvae and eggs can survive in small crevices, along baseboards and under furniture.

MYTH: It's best to remove ticks with burning matches, nail polish or alcohol
These and other common folk remedies claim to solve the tick problem. But they may worsen it by leaving the tick's head embedded in the skin or releasing disease-laden fluids into your pet's blood. Focus instead on removing the tick as quickly as possible.

MYTH: A few fleas are not a "serious" problem
Once you spot a few adult fleas, you can expect there to be hundreds of eggs, larvae and pupae on your pet and in his favorite areas. Act quickly to treat your pet, home and yard with flea and tick control products. Better yet, use a flea preventive to protect Fido year-round.

MYTH: A flea infestation can be eradicated in a few days
It's more likely to take three to eight weeks. That's because new adult fleas are emerging every day as part of their lifecycle. Keep cleaning and treating each area consistently to combat the problem and see results.

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