Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Trick to Make House Training Easier

Bringing a new puppy home is a joyous occasion – until the eighth night of whining and the 10th attempt to steam the urine out of the rug. It’s OK to get frustrated with your new family member, just take it out on the treadmill instead of your pup. Besides learning how to house train your puppy, planning when you get your pup can be very helpful.

Before you bring home a puppy, plan to adopt at the beginning of a good weather season. This will vary depending on where you live. Keep in mind that hot weather isn’t necessarily good weather, so fall may be a better choice in someplace like Texas. What you want is to be able to run your puppy outside every time he shows signs of needing a bathroom break.

If you need help in training your new puppy, let Wag Watchers help...

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