Monday, January 14, 2013

Go Take a Walk

Often times dog owners underestimate the importance of a walk for their pet. In the hustle and bustle of day to day life, owners think a quick romp in the yard is enough. While that play time is fun, walks are essential.

A proper 30 minute walk at least twice a day is one of the best things you can do for your pooch. Walks help your relationship with your dog, who looks to you for leadership. Properly walking your dog on a lead commands respect and helps to lessen behavioral issues.

The health benefits of a good walk for you and your dog are evident. The exercise will keep your dog lean and agile, and help with joint issues. A good walk also helps to calm a hyper active dog.

If possible a dog should be walked for 30 minutes before breakfast, at lunch and after dinner.

Wag Watchers has a great dog walker program, so if you need help walking your pooch, give us a call, we are always happy to help!

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