Monday, January 28, 2013

Could Your Cat Be Allergic to YOU?

We all know someone who is allergic to cats. But did you know that cats can be allergic to people? The culprits are human skin cells and dandruff. Consider that humans replace their outer layer of skin every day or two and you'll see that it is very possible for your cat to be allergic to his environment.

Symptoms of feline allergies are similar to humans' and include sneezing, coughing and runny nose. As always, it's best to contact your vet if you see any continual symptoms. Medical treatments include steroids and inhalers. But you can start by making changes at home such as replacing chemical cleaning products with natural ones. You can also change your cat litter to something like shredded newspaper. And, in the meantime, you can have sneezing contests to find out who is more allergic to whom.

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