Friday, September 14, 2012

Why Marrow Bones?

At Wag Watchers we like to treat your pooch to a marrow bone. Why you may ask?

Well first and foremost your dog loves them. They are a delicious and nutricious treat. Also, bones are great fun for dogs. They provide a task that is enjoyable to your beloved pet.

Bones are great for your dogs teeth. They help to clean teeth and eliminate bad breathe. Bones are also good for your pooches digestive tract.

Overall, we share a bone with your dog, not only because it is a great treat for them, but also because it is a healthy treat too.


Make sure to show your dog how much you appreciate them by not sending them to a kennel. Leave your dog with one of our amazing pet hosts when you’re out of town! We promise he’ll have a vacation he’ll remember forever.

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