Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Six Springtime Dog Tips

As Spring days grow longer, many of us are becoming more active with the outdoor activities we enjoy with our dogs. Here are a few tips to help your pooch ease into the fun of hitting the trails:

1. Start the day early by getting outside and enjoying the cool morning air in order to prevent your dog from overheating.

2. Protect your pet's nose, ears and other sensitive areas with sunscreen.

3. Monitor your dog's overall condition; be cautious to prevent exhaustion.

4. Let your dog build up his endurance, don't overdo it by attempting an extended hike early in the season.

5. Make sure that fresh water is readily available.

6. Inspect paws for wear, damage and injury.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Got Fleas or Ticks? Vacuum the Lawn!

No, this is not what Martha Stewart does on weekends. We're talking about removing ticks and fleas from your grass. Using the lawnmower's bag to catch the clippings, rather than mulching them, picks up all kinds of undesirable parasites that have jumped off squirrels, mice and deer into your grass.

You can compost the clippings at the edge of your property where the parasites will be trapped in the pile. Mulching mowers, eco-friendly as they are, do not suck up these blood suckers as well as the bag method does.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What It Means When Your Dog Sniffs Down There

Some dogs are so affectionate that they're not content with licking your face. They also want to share your more private smells which can prove embarrassing for you or an unsuspecting visitor.

Men and women alike are victims of this socially awkward behavior. Dogs do this out of a natural instinct to learn about this person (in the same way they sniff each others behinds) and out of habit. Keep in mind that dogs have a very strong sense of smell so they can learn a lot about a person through sniffing.

This strong sense of smell also leads to another reason canines might sniff that private area - because some dogs can actually sense prostrate cancer. They can detect a problem just sniffing people but, according to a recent study, can actually pick up the scent of chemicals associated with early prostrate cancer in urine.

If you need more information or need a pet sitter for your babies, visit our website at  - We promise they will have a GREAT TIME!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tools to Help Unravel Your Dog's DNA

Many of us with mutts are curious about the breeds lurking in their ancestry. With the invention of Dog DNA tests, it is promised that we can now find out easily. But as many dog owners know, these tests are not always accurate.

I used Biovet to test my Pit Bull/hound mix. Here was her odd result: Akita/Boston Terrier/Schnauzer. Well, at least now I have proof she isn't a Pit if BSL ever comes to my town!

The only way to be certain about your dog's DNA, though, is to do a blood test. This test is over 90 percent accurate and can be done at your vet's. In the meantime, you can make an educated guess.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

SPRING Into Parasite Prevention

Spring is here, and that means the warmer weather is bringing us and our pets out of hibernation. Unfortunately, it also means pesky pet parasites are becoming more prevalent.

Did You Know?

Fleas and Ticks are not only a nuisance but have the ability to cause serious illness in your pets and even family! One tiny flea can multiply to over 500 on your pet and in your home in just 3 weeks.

Heartworms are passed by mosquitoes through the bloodstream and into the pet's heart and lungs, causing serious illness and possibly death. Even 100% indoor cats can be become infested with heartworms.

Intestinal Parasites can infest your pet when your pet simply walks through soil that contains worm eggs or larvae or ingests something that carries the parasites. Pets can appear perfectly healthy and still be infected with parasites.

Here's the Good News!

All of these parasites are preventable!
Parasite prevention and treatment can help maintain the health and happiness of your pet. Call your local vet to schedule an appointment, and don't forget to bring a fecal sample for testing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Trick to Make House Training Easier

Bringing a new puppy home is a joyous occasion – until the eighth night of whining and the 10th attempt to steam the urine out of the rug. It’s OK to get frustrated with your new family member, just take it out on the treadmill instead of your pup. Besides learning how to house train your puppy, planning when you get your pup can be very helpful.

Before you bring home a puppy, plan to adopt at the beginning of a good weather season. This will vary depending on where you live. Keep in mind that hot weather isn’t necessarily good weather, so fall may be a better choice in someplace like Texas. What you want is to be able to run your puppy outside every time he shows signs of needing a bathroom break.

If you need help in training your new puppy, let Wag Watchers help...