According to, 63 percent of pet owners travel at least 50 miles with their pets over the holidays. The Travel Industry Association of America says 78 percent of the pets taken on vacation are dogs, with cats coming in second at 15 percent. Traveling with my dogs is a frequent occurrence in my life, but for some it’s a holiday event. There are many things you can do to make your travels with Fido more enjoyable for the four and two leggeds in your family.
Crates and Harnesses in the Car
The ASPCA reports that unrestrained pets are responsible for more than 30,000 accidents every year. Some states require pets to be buckled up or crated in the car. Personally, I am a big fan of crate training and my dogs ride in secured crates in my car on a daily basis. I can barely contain them from hopping in. (We also play “crate games” for agility practice.) If your dog isn’t crate trained or there is a lack of room for one, a dog car safety harness seat belt will also do.
The ASPCA reports that unrestrained pets are responsible for more than 30,000 accidents every year. Some states require pets to be buckled up or crated in the car. Personally, I am a big fan of crate training and my dogs ride in secured crates in my car on a daily basis. I can barely contain them from hopping in. (We also play “crate games” for agility practice.) If your dog isn’t crate trained or there is a lack of room for one, a dog car safety harness seat belt will also do.
Dogs love routine and often show signs of discomfort when their routine is interrupted. I know it can be fun to hang out longer in your pajamas and visit with family during the holidays. But, if you usually walk Fido at 7 am every morning, keeping him to that routine will keep him settled when you come back and want to visit more with family. I think Fido will be okay with you getting back into your pj’s after his walk.
Dogs love routine and often show signs of discomfort when their routine is interrupted. I know it can be fun to hang out longer in your pajamas and visit with family during the holidays. But, if you usually walk Fido at 7 am every morning, keeping him to that routine will keep him settled when you come back and want to visit more with family. I think Fido will be okay with you getting back into your pj’s after his walk.
Turkey and other delightful smells:
A dog’s sense of smell is their primary sense. It is estimated to be 100,000 times better than a human’s. (For more on how dog’s smell, read Canine Senses: How Dogs Smell by Canine Science.) You can only imagine how good that turkey smells to your dog.